AdvAcad Solutions launch KNOWBLE Comprehensive Brain Power Enhancement Programs

AdvAcad Solutions has developed a new age solution for STUDENTS by the name of KNOWBLE.This article is just a preview of “what KNOWBLE is all about?”

Know the KNOWBLE:
There is nothing in this world, and even outside, that an empowered brain cannot achieve
          “All we are is a result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become”  : Lord Buddha

Knowble is a product from the house of Advacad Solutions with an attempt to enable children with exemplary mental power with the help of our well researched and proven methods. In Knowble, we are aiming to strengthen a child’s ‘ability of knowledge’ and to ‘apply that knowledge’ while facing academic and day to day challenges in his/her life. In Knowble, we try to use some age-old methodologies which have lost their shine in course of social evolution. So, in a way we are “bringing the past back to present”.

These tools work on some beautiful concepts evolved by various human civilizations. Like we use Vedic Maths and Yog developed by Indian Civilization, Mnemonics developed by Greeks, Abacus developed by Mesopotamians, Acupressure developed by Chinese. Our research has proved that these methods are still applicable, beneficial and essential for a student’s overall growth.

KNOWBLE programs strive to maximize the hidden & unused powers of the brain through scientifically proven brain power enhancement techniques. The human brain is truly an internal cosmos that lies contained within our skulls. The more than 100 billion nerve cells, two million miles of axons, and a million billion synapses and trillion supporting cells that make up the brain constitute the most elaborate structure, natural or artificial, in the known universe. Our programs help in increasing the efficiency of this complex system under the human skull by activating the millions of dormant cells inside our brain.

Our programmes and their implementation are structured in unconventional and a very playful manner, and that’s one of the major reasons, how our programs enable a child in getting rid of any stress related to academic life and more over empower him/her to think out of the box. While designing these programs, our team has taken care of that, these programs don’t add any additional burden to a child, who is already stressed with a bag weighing more than him/her.
Knowble Programs are basically the Brain Power Enhancement Programs. These programmes have helped millions of children in various countries across the world to enhance their mental faculties – Concentration, Rationalisation, Visualisation and Imagination, resulting in enhanced creativity levels.

KNOWBLE's Modules:
  • Photographic Memory
  • Vedic Maths
  • Brain Yog
  • Abacus
  • Examination Skills
  • Ambidexterity Development Programme

Advacad Solutions
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  1. Bravo....
    It seems to be a very gud initiative for students of our age!! The program as explained would be of great help, specially what I can understand from Vedic maths and memory enhancement.....
    great going..would like to know more as where i can enroll.
    Jiten, Del

  2. Thanx Jiten for your appreciation.

    Please mail your contact details at, so that our team can revert to you shortly.

    Team - Advacad Solutions

  3. dear sir
    This is a brilliant tutorial. It really expands its wings to all profiles be it a student in the 1st standard or a MBA student like. The mnmemonics really helped me in my exams.
    Thank you so much it really helped me a lot.

    Raghav Khurana
    Student Council, IBS gurgaon
    Gurgaon, Haryana


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